## DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel 4 Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will download the package and the dompdf + fontlib libraries also. "barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": "0.4.*" After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php 'Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider', You can optionally use the facade for shorter code. Add this to your facades: 'PDF' => 'Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade', You can create a new DOMPDF instance and load a HTML string, file or view name. You can save it to a file, or stream (show in browser) or download. $pdf = App::make('dompdf'); $pdf->loadHTML('


'); return $pdf->stream(); Or use the facade: $pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.invoice', $data); return $pdf->download('invoice.pdf'); You can chain the methods: return PDF::loadFile(public_path().'/myfile.html')->save('/path-to/my_stored_file.pdf')->stream('download.pdf'); You can change the orientation and paper size, and hide or show errors (by default, errors are shown when debug is on) PDF::loadHTML($html)->setPaper('a4')->setOrientation('landscape')->setWarnings(false)->save('myfile.pdf') If you need the output as a string, you can get the rendered PDF with the output() function, so you can save/output it yourself. You can publish the config-file to change some settings (default paper etc). php artisan config:publish barryvdh/laravel-dompdf ### Tip: UTF-8 support In your templates, set the UTF-8 Metatag: ### License This DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel4 is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)