@extends('layout.main') @section('content')

Upload SMS Rates

Upload SMS Rate Sheet
{{ Form::select('Ratetable', $Ratetables, $RatetableID , array("class"=>"select2","id"=>RateUpload::smsratetable)) }}
{{ Form::select('uploadtemplate', [], "" , array("class"=>"select2","id"=>"uploadtemplate")) }}

Allowed Extension .xls, .xlsx, .csv

Replace all of the existing rates with the rates from the file - The default option is to add new rates. If there is at least one parameter that differentiates a new rate from the existent one then the new rate will override it. If a rate for a certain prefix exists in the tariff but is not present in the file you received from the carrier, it will remain unchanged. The replace mode uploads all the new rates from the file and marks all the existent rates as discontinued.

Rates with 'effective from' date in the past should be uploaded as 'effective immediately' - Sometimes you might receive a file with rates later than expected, when the moment at which the rates were supposed to become effective has already passed. By default this check box is disabled and a rate that has an 'effective from' date that has passed will be rejected and not included in the tariff. Altematively, you may choose to insert these rates into the tariff and make them effective from the current moment; to do so enable this check box.

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