Execute following command to setup VOS CDR file generation with attached script. mysql -u root -p show databases; # check db name is vos3000 or vos3000db & Update the extract_vos3000_data file db name accordingly. // OR SET PASSWORD FOR 'webcdr'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('password'); CREATE USER 'webcdr'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '19I7Pbwr0n24'; GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'webcdr'@'localhost'; exit ------------------------------------- useradd -g kunshi webcdr passwd webcdr https://lastpass.com/generatepassword.php 19I7Pbwr0n24 su webcdr mkdir ~webcdr/bin mkdir ~webcdr/cdr_data #chown -R webcdr ~webcdr #chmod -R 0755 ~webcdr/ ----------------------- #create .my.cnf , copy code from .my.cnf and past after following command cat > /home/webcdr/.my.cnf #check if done cat /home/webcdr/.my.cnf #check mysql .my.cnf wokrs or not mysql exit #permission on /home/webcdr/.my.cnf #chown webcdr /home/webcdr/.my.cnf ;chmod 600 /home/webcdr/.my.cnf --------------------------------- https://github.com/earlruby/extract_vos3000_data Generally server timezone and db timezones are same but we need to make sure they are same or not , otherwise we need to set offset on extract_vos3000_data #check extract_vos3000_data for db name vos3000 or vos3000db #copy extract_vos3000_data code and past after cat command cat > /home/webcdr/bin/extract_vos3000_data chmod 777 /home/webcdr/bin/extract_vos3000_data #check if done cat /home/webcdr/bin/extract_vos3000_data | more ----------------------------------- #setup cronjob crontab -e #CDR file Generation * * * * * /home/webcdr/bin/extract_vos3000_data --stop-time-field stoptime --stop-time-format epoch1000 #EveryDay - Delete cdr files over 15 days - mid night 0 0 * * * find /home/webcdr/cdr_data -maxdepth 1 -mtime +15 -exec rm {} \; ------------ FOR Licenced VOS 3000 useradd -g kunshi webcdr -d /home/kunshi/vos3000/cdrs -m -s /bin/bash passwd webcdr cat echo "sshd:" >> /etc/hosts.allow